Queen Mary's - Experience Haus

Venture Building for Student Entrepreneurs

Experience Haus proudly partnered with Queen Mary University of London to launch QIncubator, an immersive eight-week program designed to foster entrepreneurship among student innovators. With a focus on nurturing startup ventures, QIncubator aimed to equip participants with the essential skills and knowledge needed to develop successful businesses from ideation to pitch.

The primary objective of QIncubator was to provide student entrepreneurs with a comprehensive understanding of the startup ecosystem and equip them with the tools to transform their ideas into viable businesses. Participants were tasked with exploring various topics essential for startup success, including business modeling, customer development, pricing strategies, marketing, financial projections, MVP definition, product roadmaps, and more. Moreover, the program aimed to instill soft skills such as presentation, storytelling, and collaboration crucial for effective entrepreneurship.


Experience Haus, in collaboration with Queen Mary University of London, curated a dynamic curriculum consisting of eight live, in-person workshops. These workshops were highly interactive, discussion-led sessions designed to foster engagement and encourage active participation among participants. Key actions undertaken during the program included:

– Designing a comprehensive curriculum covering essential topics relevant to startup development, delivered through interactive workshops led by Experience Haus experts and seasoned entrepreneurs.

– Facilitating lively discussions and group activities to encourage peer learning, collaboration, and the exchange of ideas among participants.

– Providing personalised guidance and mentorship to participants throughout the program, helping them refine their business ideas and develop actionable plans for execution.

– Culminating the program with a pitch event where participants had the opportunity to showcase their startup ideas to a wider audience and a panel of judges, receiving valuable feedback and insights to further refine their ventures.


As a result of QIncubator, participants emerged with a wealth of knowledge, skills, and confidence to embark on their entrepreneurial journey. Key outcomes included:

– A deep understanding of the startup ecosystem and the essential elements of startup development, enabling participants to navigate the complexities of building a business.

– Proficiency in key areas such as business modeling, customer development, marketing, and financial projections, equipping participants with the tools to develop and execute successful business strategies.

– Enhanced soft skills including presentation, storytelling, and collaboration, empowering participants to effectively communicate their ideas and collaborate with others in the startup community.

– The development of viable business ideas and actionable plans for execution, setting participants on a path towards entrepreneurial success.

Overall, QIncubator proved to be a transformative experience, empowering student entrepreneurs to turn their visions into reality and make meaningful contributions to the startup ecosystem.

Over eight weeks, I learned everything from business modeling to pitching, all in a supportive and interactive environment. The personalISed mentorship and guidance I received were instrumental in refining my startup idea and developing a solid plan for execution.

8 weeks

Key Outcomes

QIncubator has proved to be a transformative experience, empowering student entrepreneurs to turn their visions into reality and make meaningful contributions to the startup ecosystem.