Instructor Profile: Dr Anthony Giannoumis | Service Design

Instructor Profile: Dr Anthony Giannoumis

Tell us a little about yourself and your current work outside of Experience Haus? 

I am a motivational speaker on inclusive leadership, social entrepreneur, equality advocate and hamster dad! At Experience Haus, I get to teach the online Service Design course.

Did you have a specific goal you wanted to achieve before you started teaching at Experience Haus? Do you think your time here so far has kept you on the right track?

My lifelong mission has been to use my position to empower others. Experience Haus has helped me realise this mission by teaching and empowering some of the most amazing students I’ve ever met!

What is your teaching philosophy?

My teaching philosophy is based on the industry’s needs and student’s needs. The most important thing is that the students get the knowledge and experience they need to excel at work or finding a job. The second most important thing is that the student gains the self-confidence and strength to showcase their talent.

What do you enjoy most about teaching at Experience Haus?

The community at Experience Haus is the most supportive and nurturing group of people I’ve ever met. I am privileged to call them my friends and colleagues!

Thursday 10th August, 2023

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