Product Design Instructor Profile: Jon White

Jon has been teaching at Experience Haus and speaking at our design conferences since 2017. The topics Jon teaches revolve around Product Design, User Research, Presentations, and Storytelling for Brands.

Tell us a little about yourself and your current work outside of Experience Haus? 

I work for Cleo – an app designed to fight for the world’s financial health – as a User Researcher and I love my role. I get to talk to people about their problems and then help build solutions. Outside of work I do the classic middle-aged thing of trying to balance a family and home whilst also squeezing in time to play video games.

Did you have a specific goal you wanted to achieve before you started teaching at Experience Haus? Do you think your time here so far has kept you on the right track?

I’ve always been interested in sharing knowledge, either as a student or a teacher. To that end I wanted to be able to share what I know and help inspire new designers to create products that put the user at the heart of the work. I’d also like to think that I’m empowering people to think in different ways and be more confident in their skills.

What is your teaching philosophy?

I encourage everyone to learn by doing, not to be afraid of ‘failing’, and to always keep asking questions. I lead the discussions and teach the material, but I want every class to feel like an open space where everybody can learn something – even me!

What do you enjoy most about teaching at Experience Haus?

What I enjoy most about teaching at Experience Haus has got to be the students! It’s so interesting to me to meet people with so many varied backgrounds and help them channel their energies and encourage their curiosities.

product design course london

How would you describe your dream classroom?

Delicious food, cold and hot drinks, a self cleaning whiteboard, flawless wi-fi, and curious students eager to learn.

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

A lot older for one! I would like to think that I’ll be heading up a research team somewhere whilst also teaching. I love both parts of my work-world so I don’t want to stop.

How do you keep up to date with your industry and the courses you teach?

I’m signed up to a lot of newsletters which keep me posted of the common trends in tech. In terms of the industry I work in, I am surrounded by great minds who I can go to with any questions, and I am always looking out for the next ‘new’ thing in fintech. The students keep me up to date with a lot of the new things tech wise too.

Get in touch with Jon


Posted on : Wednesday October 30, 2019