Instructor Profile: Parth Loliyania | Service Design

Instructor Profile: Parth Loliyania

Tell us a little about yourself and your current work outside of Experience Haus? 

I am a designer and researcher based in London. I believe the secret behind crafting meaningful experiences is a mix of three key ingredients – having the patience to explore the unknown, be ruthlessly action-driven and a team player. On weekends you may find me in a random coffee shop practicing my calligraphy skills. In the past I have worked with clients across various sectors such as finance, aviation, cloud computing, automobile and e-commerce.

Did you have a specific goal you wanted to achieve before you started teaching at Experience Haus? Do you think your time here so far has kept you on the right track?

One of the most important things for me personally is to give back to the community that has given me so much. And I think teaching people is one of the best ways to do it. I am always eager to learn something new and what better place than a classroom. For the second part, I’m not sure if there is a right or wrong track, I’m happy as long as I’m doing what I love!

What is your teaching philosophy?

There are three key qualities that my lectures focus on – having the patience to explore the unknown, be ruthlessly action-driven and be a good team player. Based on my personal experience these qualities are core for any designer.

What do you enjoy most about teaching at Experience Haus?

One of the most important things in design is to work with real people on real problems and Experience Haus embeds this quite well in their courses as we are always working on live client briefs where students can apply what they have learned in real time.

How would you describe your dream classroom?

My dream classroom would have sweets, ice-creams and smoothies! Of course, the sugar-free life in your 30s is hard!

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

Honestly, I’m not much of a planner so this is a tough one to answer. But one thing for sure is I want to be happy and make things that bring a smile to people’s faces.

How do you keep up to date with your industry and the courses you teach?

I often go to a lot of conferences and exhibitions, especially the ones in London College of Communication. Apart from that, I write on topics of co-creation, prototypes and the world of design beyond design thinking.

Get in touch with Parth

Thursday 14th March, 2024

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