Take Your User Research Career to New Heights: Why a Course is the Perfect Next Step - Experience Haus

Take Your User Research Career to New Heights: Why a Course is the Perfect Next Step

User research is the perfect subject to master as the skills you learn can be used across the entire design spectrum, meaning you are constantly in demand.

From user experience design to service design, the skills you learn as a user researcher will be fundamental in the creation of successful products. In this article we explore why taking a user research is the perfect next step for your career, no matter what stage you’re coming in from.

Refining Your Craft

No matter what course a student is on, something we emphasise to all students is the idea of continuous development. Just because you may be working in a particular role doesn’t mean you can’t develop yourself further. As the design industry is always evolving, it’s fundamental to stay as up-to-date as possible with the latest tools and trends, and this is no different with user research.

By joining a user research course as a junior or mid-weight user researcher, you will learn the exact tools and techniques being used in the industry at that moment, meaning your organisation will also be as up-to-date on their offerings as possible. This can open up opportunities for your own professional growth, leading to more responsibilities, promotions and ultimately, higher salaries!

 Upskilling into User Research 

You may not directly be in the user research industry yet, but have decided this is the area you would like to upskill into. At Experience Haus, we see many students across our different UX/UI design courses use one of these as a jumping off point into the field, and then decide to specialise into something like user research.

By upskilling into user research you will bring the knowledge you have already gained in previous roles and have the chance to focus on something you are really passionate about. Additionally, as you will be coming from a related background, you won’t necessarily have to start from a Junior position if you are familiar with some of the techniques, and therefore not have to take a salary cut.

Service Design Training

Pivoting into User Research 

Moving into this field isn’t just something for the moderately experienced. It is an industry open to anyone. A lot of the skills needed as a user researcher such as empathy and the ability to talk to people are skills we pick up ourselves and aren’t something you need to have a degree in.

This area is perfect for those who have experience in research-related fields, like psychology, as well as those who love to use data to influence project decisions.

Join our Online Course

Whatever bucket you think you fit into based on the above options, our 10-week online Mastering User Research course will be the perfect choice for your next career step. 

During this time you will learn various research techniques, including what techniques to use and when, how to build surveys and carry out user interviews and how to identify research insights. All the while you will be working on a live research brief, provided by a real client, allowing you to immediately apply your learnings from the course. At the end of the course you will present your final project to the stakeholder in a small research group and be able to use this as a real case study to put on your portfolio.  

It’s a great course to do if you’re passionate about the design industry, but don’t want to focus on the creative user interface side.

Get in touch with the team today about enrolling onto our next course.

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