London's Calling: The Ultimate Guide to Design Courses in the City - Experience Haus

London’s Calling: The Ultimate Guide to Design Courses in the City

What better place to further your design journey than in one of the most exciting and dynamic cities in the world. Whether you’re after exciting design, theatre, art, music or career opportunities, London has it all and more! It’s no wonder so many people choose this city when taking the next step in their careers.

What makes our in-person courses so special is the fact that students are learning inside an inspiring working design agency, as opposed to coming into a sterile school environment. Students who join our in-person courses, especially our full-time UX & UI Career Development Bootcamp, will see first hand how a design agency operates, giving them a glimpse of what could lie in store for them in the next few months!

In this article we will go through our options for in-person learning, and how to pick a course that matches with your own goals.

UX & UI Career Development Bootcamp

Up first, we have our flagship course designed not only to teach you the entire end-to-end design process, but also focuses on portfolio creation, CV writing and interview preparation. During this 12-week course, you will be coming into our studio every day, learning inside a luxury design agency and talking to people who are doing the job day in, day out. Our studio is based in the creative hub of Shoreditch, an area that is renowned for its design community, so you will be surrounded by design inspiration every day.

During this course you will work on three client projects: two two-week projects and a final six-week capstone project where you get the chance to really show off everything you have learned in the past 3 months. These projects are all for different clients, so will show versatility on your portfolio, as well as the ability to work in a design team, as well as owning certain areas of projects.

Product Design (including UX & UI)

Next up we have our longest running, and most popular part-time course: the Product Design (inc UX & UI) course. This course is the perfect blend of product, UX design and UI design giving our students more opportunities to explore different kinds of roles within the design industry, once they’ve graduated from the course.  It is the perfect course for those looking to begin their journey into the design world, as well as those looking to add UX/UI design to their existing skillset.

During the 12 weeks, students will work through the Double Diamond Process whilst applying their learnings on a real client brief. We will start by going through the ux design process, covering user research, conducting user interviews, empathy mapping, creating personas, and more. Around half way through the course we bring Figma into the equation, teaching students how to go from paper prototypes all the way up to high-fidelity prototypes. Students will begin to create their designs for their own projects, doing usability testing and making iterations based on feedback, then finally presenting back to their stakeholder at the end of the course.

UI Design with Figma

This 8-week part-time course is offered both online and in-person. For those students who prefer learning in-person, with the support of an instructor nearby, this is the perfect format for them. Not suited for beginners, this course is designed to take students who have a bit of experience working with Figma to a much more advanced level. 

During this course students will learn visual design theory, user interface design theory, design systems, responsive design, components and more. All of which come together to play an important role in creating successful user interface design outputs. Whilst doing a deep dive into these areas of UI and Figma, students will apply their learnings to a client project that will be worked on as part of a group. This will be presented back to the client at the end of the course, and then students are free to add this as a portfolio piece to talk through in future interviews.

Service Design

Another of our courses that we offer both online and in-person, due to the rising demand within the industry. This is probably the most advanced course we run at Experience Haus and is perfectly suited to those who already have some UX/UI/user research experience. 

We will take students through the service design process from start to finish, discussing everything you need to know when designing a powerful service. Topics covered in this course include design thinking, research preparation, customer experience and service blueprints, which will all be applied to the live client brief students are given at the beginning of the course. This will be a group brief where each student will get the opportunity to act as the service design lead.

Design Leadership

This is the only course we offer that doesn’t have a real client brief to work on as it is solely designed to give students the tools to advance to the next stage of their careers. On this short 6-week part-time course, students are taught the skills needed to become a good leader, how to manage your own team as well as working with others, setting goals and also how to talk about design when sitting in meetings with company executives. 

This is a very workshop-y course designed to give students the confidence to move up the career ladder and into a more senior position.

UX/UI Design One-Week Bootcamps

Finally, for those looking for in-person learning but can’t commit to a 10-12 week course, we regularly run one-week UX/UI Design Bootcamps throughout the year. We have taken all the key areas of our online UX/UI Design course, and condensed it into one-week. Students will still learn the end-to-end design process for designing digital products and get the opportunity to work on a live client brief. The course will just be a more immersive experience, as opposed to a part-time course. 

There are many different course options to explore when it comes to learning design in the City. Whether your goal is to get a new role, upskill or take a one-week course, we have the courses and different formats that can work for you. Get in touch with us today to see which course would work best for you.


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