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A collection of regularly updated articles featuring industry trends, student success stories, opinion pieces on the world of design today and more.


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A Conversation About Design: UX/UI Design within the Media Industry (Part Two)

A Conversation About Design: UX/UI Design within the Media Industry (Part Two)

Monday 18th March, 2024

Experience Haus Creative Director and Founder Amit Patel recently sat down with Kojo Boteng, a multifaceted and award-winning designer and...

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Instructor Profile: Parth Loliyania

Instructor Profile: Parth Loliyania

Thursday 14th March, 2024

Tell us a little about yourself and your current work outside of Experience Haus?  I am a designer and researcher...

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A Conversation About Design: UX/UI Design within the Media Industry (Part One)

A Conversation About Design: UX/UI Design within the Media Industry (Part One)

Sunday 10th March, 2024

Kojo Boteng is a multifaceted and award-winning designer and educator, and currently sits as the Creative Director at PBS NewsHour. ...

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The Pros and Cons: Online vs. In-Person Courses for Advancing Your Career in UX/UI

The Pros and Cons: Online vs. In-Person Courses for Advancing Your Career in UX/UI

Thursday 7th March, 2024

With the amount of courses now available to learn UX/UI design, it’s hard to know which is the right one...

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Student Success Story: Eve Wu

Student Success Story: Eve Wu

Thursday 29th February, 2024

Eve completed our UX & UI Career Development Bootcamp in February 2023 and has recently landed a role as UX...

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Why Learning Product Design is Key to Unlocking Your Creative Potential and Career Growth

Why Learning Product Design is Key to Unlocking Your Creative Potential and Career Growth

Monday 26th February, 2024

Product design is a dynamic and multifaceted field that combines creativity, problem-solving, and user-centric thinking to shape the digital products...

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